As much as I enjoyed the Legally Blonde movies (1 & 2), until this week I had resisted the commedations of friends to see the Broadway production of Legally Blonde The Musical. Did I really want to spend $100+ on froth and bubble that I have already seen on the big screen?
Much to my pleasant surprise, I was hooked from the overture and I knew I was in for a fabulously fun ride from the first song, "Omigod You Guys". Nuff said.
The theme of a seemingly ditzy blonde female (who eventually reveals that she is actually quite smart and can therefore get what she wants regardless of how she looks) is not a new one. Afterall, Marilyn Monroe did it for years! But it did get me thinking. In a city of what appears to be predominantly brown and black-haired people, is blonde hair legal tender? I mean, what can being blonde 'buy' me?
I should mention at this point that over the years, a few very brave colleagues of mine have suggested that I do "get away with stuff" just because I am "tall and blonde", a notion I have always resisted. To this day I still don't know what exactly they mean, but I will admit to having seen the advantages of being able to play it dumb or smart, depending on the situation.
So with my accelerated levels of heightened awareness, I set out to observe what being blonde bought me over the next four days.
- Sat next to a very grey-coloured elderly lady on a train whose first words to me were, "you're pretty". Cute, but clearly, she doesn't get out much.
- Was stopped in the street on a rainy day by a tall young woman who asked whether she could take a photo of my shoes. I obliged. And to be honest, if I were a bloke, I would have asked her out - she was stunning. Maybe she thought I was a bloke?
- Got asked out for a drink by a waiter while I dined at a local restaurant. This is not ususual and I have a theory that they do this to increase their tips. i.e. you say "no" and then feel bad about rejecting them so tip them a bit extra. Works every time.
- Was sold an anti-wrinkle cream at SAKS Fifth Avenue by a hot Puerto Rican guy who asked me out for a drink. What? You've just told me I have wrinkles and you're asking me out? OK, ENOUGH ALREADY!
So maybe, just maybe, being blonde has its quirky advantages in the social arena. But I doubt it will be the sole reason for getting me a job in this fabulous city. I guess time will tell... This week's meetings went very well and I am on several shortlists, so fingers crossed and hair flicked.
Until next time,
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