Like most women around my age, I have been a big fan of Sex and the City since it first consumed our television screens on Monday nights nine years ago. And, like those same 'most women', I admit to having fantasised about what it would be like to strap on a glam pair of 3 inch heels, an uber-hot designer suit and strut my choice of street or avenue in Manhattan - whichever would take me to the next meeting or soiree.
Benchmark in tact, this week I set off to chat with New York's top theatre advertising and marketing people about potential employment. My recently acquired Allanah Hill pin-stripe suit went down a treat with my first meeting at one of the advertising agencies. No job available, but being so confident that I had made a good impression, I wore the same suit the next day for my meeting with Jujamcyn Theatres.
It's fair to say that, generally, the standard of dress in advertising agencies is smart casual with a touch of the creative. A suit is not something that I would wear if I worked there everyday, but it's an appropriate choice for a meeting. Things are usually more relaxed in theatre, as I was about to be reminded.
I arrived at the Jujamcyn office on 44th Street to be greeted at street level by a guy who seemed to have the job of 'driving' the rickety old elevator. On this day, he had a guest - a gorgeous little fluffy white dog belonging to one of one of the theatre's employees. Apparently this cute canine visits every Wednesday and likes to spend his time riding up and down all day. It wasn't too surprising then to see another dog roaming the corridors while I was waiting for my appointment. Slightly unusual I thought, but c'mon, I work in theatre. I've seen and heard it all before.
The real shock came when I was greeted by Rocco Landesman, owner of the theatres and friend of mine: "MY GOD! You look so conservative!" The meeting went very well, despite my bruised glam-ego and obvious 'over-dressing' for the occasion.
My meetings with the top two theatre advertising agencies later in the week also went well. No promise of jobs available in the near future, but the contacts are in place. And my pin-stripe Morrisey pants suit with hot red tie got an airing for each occasion! Perfect.
I am still getting used to the notion that living in a 24 hour city literally means that I can do anything I want to, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.. Eat, drink, shop, get a facial, go to the gym (but let's be reasonable). So it was great to have a mate from home to hang out with this week while we explored just some of what New York City has to offer.
Vanessa Raspa is a 3rd year student from the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA). She and her class were here performing in the New York Music Theatre Festival and all were all due to return to Perth a week ago. Vanessa, however, lost her passport and was forced to stay on an extra week. Oh yeh, such a shame. (You might remember Vanessa playing the role as my daughter in Aladdin at the Regal about four years ago. Someone here acutally asked whether she is my daughter! Another ego bashing for me.)
On Monday night Vanessa blew the roof off at Birdland Jazz Club's open mic night when she sang a swing version of Summertime. People came from everywhere to compliment her, including a guy called Robert Cole who played Tony in West Side Story for two years in Australia in the early 1960s. Robert is still performing and, as of last week when I asked him if he would, is soon to be my singing teacher.
Vanessa and I also scoped a few restaurants: in Hell's Kitchen, East Village, Little Italy and Soho. And on recommendation of an in-the-know local, we saw the most amazing jazz combo we have ever seen in a secret little room at the back of The Telephone Bar on 2nd Avenue.
I caught one show this week: A Brox Tale. A one-hander starring Chazz Palminteri, who you'll know from mafia-style films. What line did I take away with me? "The saddest thing in this world is wasted talent." (oh, and "he was so big that it's said his shadow once killed a dog")
Two meetings scheduled for next week and ... who knows!
Until next time, keep filling that cup of life.
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