It would be fair for one to assume however, that these nubile lovebirds are tourists. From overseas. Now why would I make such a harsh accusation?
I recently discovered that marriages are on the decline in the USA. There are 97 million unmarried single people living in the USA. And a not-surprising 50% of adults living in New York fall into this singles category, the highest rate of any state in the US.
When I first learned this, I thought New York must be teaming with sad, lonely people, desperately searching for 'the one'. That was before I discovered the New York City phenomenon of DATING.
Now in case you missed every episode of Sex and The City, the general rule of dating in NYC is that you date many, and date often. The idea being that you hang out with a whole bunch of different individuals and get to know each one. Then, like a well-fed blowfly hovering over a plate of sizzling gourmet sausages at a summer barbeque, you eventually land on the one that is most to your liking (obviously hoping not to get shooed away before you do). What follows, apparently, is a discussion about "being exclusive". If you both agree that you are made for each other, then no other sausages gets a look in from that point on. Simple really.
Rules noted and confidence in tact, I decided to fast-track the waiting game and a couple of weeks ago I joined both a dating agency and an online dating site. I was determined to discover for myself how simple this concept really is so I lined up a week's worth of blind dates.
My first date came through the agency - brunch with James, shipping company owner. I was a little annoyed that he was 15 minutes late and that he had not called with an apology, but I reassured myself that an open mind is the key to any successful date. His excuse? His friend was in town for the weekend to attend the funeral of said friend's brother-in-law who, one day earlier that week had become a first-time father, then the next day fell out of a window and died. The remainder of the date mostly centred on exchanges of funeral stories. Only the funny ones of course.
Date number two was an online pick - Jonathan, owner of a commercial property company. We met for a cocktail followed by dinner. As usual, I offered to pay half the bill and placed cash on the table. That's when I discovered another American dating phenomenon: "American girls never offer to pay," Jonathan said. "And even if they offer, they certainly would never put money on the table." You mean I could eat out FREE every night of the week?(!)
My next online date was with Justin, a 31 year old personal trainer and property something-or-other. Note, he picked me. I'm not cradle-snatching. We met for a couple of drinks and quickly discovered that we are both fans of Elvis. I didn't think this was particularly unusual as he is Italian and every Italian guy I know dreams of pulling chicks like The King did.
Date number four was Andy, another set up from the agency. On paper, this guy would have looked like a great match. He writes music for television commercials. Advertising AND music? Yee haaah!! Sadly, it took me about 30 seconds to realise that Andy spends waaaay too much alone time in the studio and as a consequence, has a limited set of social skills. We agreed to wish one another well in our dating endeavors. (The upshot of the night was that I saw Chris Noth - 'Big' - from Sex and the City!)
My verdict on the concept of dating New York style? I have to admit, it was an exhausting but rewarding challenge. Having been out of the dating game for nine years, I had forgotten that first encounters are not like they are in the movies. Sparks don't necessarily ignite flames of passion within seconds of meeting, and it's unlikely you'll fall in love at first sight. But I did discover the answer as to why there are so many single people in New York City. Heck, they're just having a good time!
So what am I doing for Valentine's Day? You guessed it. The agency has organised a lunch date with a guy whom they described as: "oh my god Kaylie, he is GORGEOUS". Dinner will be spent with my newest, most fabulous friend - a 35-year-old single gal from Adelaide, Australia. Miss Adelaide moved to New York only a few weeks ago and together, we have already painted the town several devilish shades of red. It seems only appropriate to continue the tradition on Valentine's Day.
Until next time, if you're single, I know why you're smiling!